Saturday, June 10, 2006

Motion to Amend Procedures for Proposals

Bertie Enslow, Chair of the Pierce County Charter Review Commission; Bob Dick, Legal Counsel to the Commission; Denise Greer, Legal Counsel to the Commission and others met to draft up a set of proposed procedures for the last few weeks of the Commission. At the June 13, 2006 meeting of the Pierce County Charter Review Commision, Commissioner Enslow will give her report on this proposal and then ask for a motion to adopt these procedures.


I move to amend the Procedure for Proposals, last amended by the Charter Review Commission on 3/2/06, to read as follows:
Amend paragraph 11 as follows:

11. Final vote on the proposal will be taken at the last meeting. After legal review and comments by counsel to the CRC on proposals adopted by semi-vote, the CRC may consider by a majority vote (a) motions to amend a proposal to correct any problems highlighted by legal review, and (b) motions to combine semi-vote proposals which affect the same charter section(s) and to reconcile the combined proposals.

Add the following paragraphs 12-14.

12. After all motions to amend under paragraph 11 have been resolved for all proposals, motions to finally adopt each proposal to be placed upon the ballot shall be by roll call vote and shall require a majority of those present.

13. After the final vote on proposals to be placed upon the ballot, the CRC may adopt suggested ballot titles for each finally adopted proposal.

14. The members who voted for a final proposal to be placed on the ballot may select a committee of not more than three members, which shall include the commissioner who originally presented the proposal if he/she so elects, which shall be responsible for submitting a “Statement For” the proposal to the County Auditor, provided they notify the County Auditor of such selection by June 30, 2006.

The members who voted against the final proposal may select a committee of not more than three members which shall be responsible for submitting the “Statement Against” the proposal, provided they notify the County Auditor of such selection by June 30, 2006.

All statements for or against a proposal must be submitted to the County Auditor not later than forty five days before the publication of the voters’ pamphlet for the 2006 general election. Such statements shall comply with the Auditor’s administrative rules regarding submission of such materials for the voters’ pamphlet.


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelli: The first sentence in #11 - "Procedure for Proposals" is struck, according to my information. ("Final vote on the proposal will be taken at the last meeting.) It is replaced with the sentence beginning "After legal review...... and ending "the combined proposals".

Thanks, BS


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